
Vvvvvv scripting
Vvvvvv scripting


  • task_name (required): A unique rhos identifier for this task.
  • Prefixed with schedule/VERB may/should be passed additional optional or The API for scheduling tasks is very similar to that of other tasks - API endpoints are Specify trigger times for the second, minute, hour, day of the month, Separated fields that dictate when the event should occur. Please refer to here for a complete specification and more examples.Įach scheduled operation is specified with a combination of six white-space This allows for example, to schedule recordings and their subsequent copy Scheduling allows executing a certain operation as a defined time. Motif allows scheduling of almost all previously documented API operations. Start with a switch to minimum, then toggle between maximum and minimum subsequently. Start with a switch to maximum, then toggle between minimum and maximum subsequently. Toggled (alternating) between minimum and maximum values. There exists a special value for (digital) outputs that results in the output state being
  • send multiple arguements to be recorded in the imgstore extra_data - in addition to the current frame_number and time of the log message.
  • configure and set output to provided value.
  • vvvvvv scripting

    Setup (or to the only attached camera in a single camera setup) Output device attached to the master or index node. in index or master mode inĪ multiple camera setup, the named output channel must be on a

  • set named output to the provided value.
  • value: the value to set on the output (backend dependent).
  • name: the name of the configured output channel.
  • set named output associated with camera to provided value.
  • as previous, but export image stores from all cameras.

  • export image stores to normal mp4 videos (or image stores).
  • as previous, but copy recordings from all cameras.
  • Importing of videos into loopy after copy finishes
  • delete_after (optional, default=False): delete original recordings after successful copyĬonnection details of accesibly self hosted loopy instance for automatic.
  • location (optional): local user path or if omitted, default configued location.
  • copy (or move) all currently completed recordings to another location.
  • as previous, but return recordings for all cameras.
  • as previous, but stop recording on all cameras.
  • as previous, but start recording on all cameras.
  • vvvvvv scripting

    codec_identifier (optional): advanced use only.metadata (optional): a dictionary of metadata to save in the resulting video.duration (optional): number of seconds to record for, or indefinately if omitted.codec (optional): codec, or use configured default if omitted.no argument provided: use configured defaults.filename (optional): recording filename (excluding timestamp).as previous, but return values for all cameras.parameter_name: the name of a camera parameter, like that passed to /configure, e.g.as previous, but apply the configuration changes to every attached camera.or any other camera supported parameter name and value AcquisitionFrameRate: change the framerate of the camera.


  • serial: the serial number of the camera.

  • return a list of connected cameras, their names and serial numbers.
  • Arguments are passed after the path, e.g.Īpi.call('recording/start', duration=5.0). Text between characters should be replaced The complete list of API endpoints/paths, as passed to call(path, **arguments),Ĭan be found below. See examples/*.py for further examples of API usage API Documentation To find the API key for the recording system you wish toĬontrol, SSH into the machine (or request your sysadmin to) and execute the following


  • the API key is specific to the installation of the recording software and secures theĪPI from unauthorized access.
  • the IP address is that which you browse to in order to control the recording software.
  • to control a motif recording system you need to know it's IP_ADDRESS and an API_KEY.
  • Some IO operations are only supported in motif 5 and above
  • this library is compatible with all motif versions, although real-time image streaming and.
  • this library wraps the REST+JSON API and handles sending and parsing the responses.
  • this library works out of the box on Python2 and Python3 and has no dependencies outside.
  • "while recording, at minute 1 switch this output on, then every 30 seconds thereafter, switch on and.
  • at 5pm copy all recorded videos to network storage" while recording give this stimulus (switch this output)

    vvvvvv scripting

    "start recording every hour for 30 minutes.You to implement experimental or operational protocols like Recording systems, including the ability to control outputs and schedule operations.

    vvvvvv scripting

    This library allows you to control cameras and recording on loopbio motif API for Motif Recording Systems (Python Wrapper)

    Vvvvvv scripting